HomeOutput #1 – Preparation of a course on the creation and management of CSOs and conversion to a MOOCOutputsOutput #1 – Preparation of a course on the creation and management of CSOs and conversion to a MOOC

Output #1 – Preparation of a course on the creation and management of CSOs and conversion to a MOOC

This intellectual production has the following objectives:

The preparation of a “training module” on how to create and manage a Civil Society Organisation, regardless of its scope, encouraging and appealing to young people to actively participate in Civil Society. Written according to the ECVET methodological framework so that universities and other partners can include it in their curricula or promote the platform internally and externally within elements of the target sector.

The conversion of the content realised into MOOC format so that it can be completed on the Internet at an open and free level by all young people and/or people with an interest in areas related to Civic Participation in Society who can reinforce their knowledge of the subject.

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